National piloting in Spain

Our StoryTeller team is more than happy to inform you about the results of piloting from Spain.

EOLAS included two different organizations in the national piloting.  The 1st one was Regional Network for Regional Development of Extremadura. They work in rural areas with different groups, aimed to enhance the social and economic cohesion of the area. They showed a high interest in STORYTELLER and in participating in a pilot. Another piloting was done with adult educators, working with and for a private training institution which provides training for long- term unemployment, NEETs and persons with low qualifications. 

Within the project’s lifetime the consortium searched for best possible options to reach the broadest group of people at risk and professionals, working with them, thus reaching the target group of the project to benefit from the developed curriculum and methodology.

From the participating educators, two have applied the knowledge acquired within the session

and through the provided guidelines with their learners. One more educator planned to apply the

knowledge in his next course, starting mid-April. The two educators who have applied the newly gained knowledge have reached a total of 26 representatives of groups at risk.

Additionally, the staff responsible for the organization of the training courses and recruitment

and communication with the learners, has also applied the knowledge acquired in the

interaction, mainly with NEETs, with a criminal record and used it to motivate them for the

learning process.

The feedback, recollected afterwards from the target group van be summarized by the following…. “more insight into personal motivation and challenges” …. The material has proven its versatility and adaptability to different settings and personal needs.


Narrador 2017,

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