National piloting in Slovenia

National piloting in Slovenia

We are delighted to report about the results of national piloting done in Slovenia. OZARA d.o.o. prepared sessions for participants within the “Social inclusion programme”. The participants represent a fragile community that (according to national rehabilitation procedures) obtained a status of disability and are unemployable due to different reasons – as such they are included in daily activities of the organisation within the programme, provided by the state as a concession. 

The mentors prepared their sessions carefully and have met on several occasions to define the best possible approach for maximizing the comfort and sense orientation for the planned activities. The specifics of target group made it necessary to adapt some activities respecting health issues, cognitive capabilities and other challenges they meet in their daily lives.

The main topic within the piloting was raising self-perception and self-value, acceptance in the group and perception from others, also empathy. The feedbacks from participants were quite unique – they have reported on a raise of interest and possibility of reflecting oneself through others, they also liked the chance to speak about themselves, how they feel and what scares them and the possibility to exchange about these topics with others and how to help each other within regular daily activities. 


Storyteller  2017,

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