National piloting in Netherlands

It is with great joy we are informing you about another successfully finished piloting in our partner country Netherlands. The contents of “Working woth stories” and accompanied methodology have been tested in the organization Oostergast nursing home in Zuidhorn, part of ZonnehuisgroepNoord.

This specific piloting is even more interesting, because it opened a continuous thrive and efforts of the project’s consortium towards an open debate of the inclusion – exclusion open issues in the society. 

The pilot was conducted with team members of the psychosocial team. The nursing home is home to elderly people who are chronically ill. The residents often have multiple and complex syndromes. They are vulnerable people, ‘people at risk’, who need a lot of care. They receive this care from various care providers. In the first place there are care providers who treat physical problems, think of doctors and nurses. Then there are also care providers who pay attention to cognitive and mental problems. These care providers are all part of the psychosocial team. The team consists of psychologists, social workers, music therapists and spiritual caregivers.

All are professionals in the field of cognitive and mental problems and all work, to a greater or lesser extent, with stories. In addition, all work with ‘people at risk’. The curriculum of the StoryTeller project is extremely interesting and relevant for them. Their feedback on the program is also of great value since they work as professionals. For these reasons it was decided to do the pilot with this team.

What plays a role in the background and has influenced the choice for this team is the unrest within the entire organization. One could argue that because of the unrest and (always) threatening cutbacks, employees can also be considered ‘people at risk’. The team can use what was learned in the pilot in their own work, which ultimately benefits the residents in the nursing home, the ‘people at risk’. 

What were the results?

At the beginning of the day there was clearly a tension to be noticed. The participants had received some information in advance about the (theoretical) background of the pilot. It was also made clear what the pilot can mean for their own work. However, they did not know which exercises would be done.

The participants shared their thoughts and ideas about the organization itself and interpersonal relationships.

It was a feast to see what people drew and what explanations there were. It was great to see the diversity. And the connection that seems to be created almost automatically is even more touching. Sharing vulnerable pieces, provided this can be shared in safety, strengthens mutual trust and provides a connection. 

A short summary of feedbacks taken “home” by participants van be summarized as… “learning to define my own thresholds…” …  “Insight in the thoughts of others…”… “Giving openness…daring to do so”… “More insight about colleagues, openness and benevolence/kindness of the group” …


Storyteller  2017,

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